Transforming Customer Engagement

How Sales and Medical Affairs Can Improve the Customer Experience

Numerous organizations have reported that HCP’s are growing increasingly frustrated with their interactions with life science professionals.

This includes sales, market access, and medical affairs teams.  Not every brand or every company is affected, though.  Some companies are finding ways to not only elevate their customer experience but increasing engagement along the way.

Eric Gubera, EVP of the Life Science Practice at ARSENAL ADVISORS discusses the challenges biopharma and MedTech organizations are facing as they compete for HCP engagement with MobileLocker’s Chief Revenue Officer Bob Lempke.


Eric Gubera
Welcome Arsenal Nation to the Medicine to Market Innovation Showcase. And next on the Agenda, our next segment is focused on transforming customer engagement for life science companies. It is the S.P. and their staff who sit at the center of this universe and truly hold the keys to unlocking brand potential for the right patients. Now, as we mentioned earlier, closing that widening gap between brand potential and actual performance simply won’t happen unless we slow down and address these three questions.

Eric Gubera
So one of the things, too, and that we’re going to look at is. Where is the customer now? What are their preferences? And how can we close the gap? So when you look at customer interactions from 20, 20, of course we are in the midst of that versus 20, 19, there was a 60 percent reduction in customer interaction. So we know how important our customer facing field is, what happens when we lose them in this environment?

Eric Gubera
The second piece is 40 percent of post covid interactions. So moving forward into the new normal are going to be face to face. And, you know, as you can imagine. There’s been significant brand impact in this area, in fact, thirty one billion dollars of promotionally sensitive brands have have lost that revenue during this period and there’s been an 11 percent reduction in indirects in twenty twenty versus twenty nineteen. So just to give some clarity in terms of what NPR says, that is new to brand starts, new patient starts, and that is the area that we need to focus on as well.

Eric Gubera
So the question is, where is the customer and what are their preferences? The second question, it’s very clear that things have changed dramatically. The hybrid model is here to stay. So what we mean by hybrid model as we return to the field is both customer facing. And. The pivot to digital virtual interactions, in fact, a survey, this is from Key, one of US HD reports that the most effective formats to receive manufacturer support news or product information when asked this question.

Eric Gubera
Forty one percent mentioned virtual call presentation from a sales rep. So there’s no question it’s it’s important moving forward. Now, the third question that we’re looking at is how can we close the gap? So I’m pleased to announce we have someone here today that’s going to walk us through an exciting new platform then that can help us do just that. And what we have to look at is a new platform that’s really focused on empowering to engage our customer, facing folks with the people that are making a difference.

Eric Gubera
So I’m pleased to introduce to you. Bob Lempke, chief revenue officer of Mobile Locher Bob, welcome to the program.

Bob Lempke
Hey, Eric, how are you? Always a pleasure to be with you.

Eric Gubera
I’m doing great. So tell us a little bit about how mobile Locker what mobile Locker is and what this platform can do.

Bob Lempke
Awesome, so I love talking about MobileLocker, so thank you for the forum and the opportunity. So you hit on, interestingly enough, in your lead and you hit on a ton of the business process, business value that Mthe obile Locker can help our clients overcome. So these ideas around engagement, access, multi-channel customer engagement, these are all things that we hear every single day that we talk to our customers about every single day and every single day. Our clients are kind of solving those problems.

Bob Lempke
So interestingly enough, a lot of the challenges in the things that you’re that you mentioned that are happening in the marketplace, we are really excited because our clients are kind of overcoming these things. And and that’s super exciting for us. So what we do in a nutshell, we are all about access and engagement and access and engagement. So we give the client a platform that is super adaptable, super easy to use, where reps, people in the field can access the content that’s relevant, relevant to them on a personal level.

Bob Lempke
So one on one, the things I need on a given day time in my group, in my brand, whatever it is, things that are super relevant to me, I have easy access in a very simple interface. I then I have the capacity to share all of that content in any format. So whether it’s virtual, whether it’s an iPad face to face, whether it’s email in an in a in a day where things are pivoting, where I’m moving as a rep in and out of different channels, that same content is always available in the same interface.

Bob Lempke
So I’m sharing it. And then perhaps most importantly, is the capacity to track what happens after I share it. So if I’m in a virtual meeting and I share a piece of content, a PDF or whatever it might be with the A.P., once that shared, I now have access to everything that happens to it after I’ve shared it. So I know when they open it, if they open it, where they spent time in it, how much time they interacted with it, each time they interact with it, I get a notification.

Bob Lempke
So I now have eyes and ears into what is happening with that piece of content long after I’ve shared it. And that allows me as the wrap, the ability to do relevant, timely follow up around the very specific areas inside that piece of content where the A.P. was spending their time. And what our clients tell us is not only do we increase engagement post mobile lack of risk free mobile akre, but we also have the ability to track and monitor successful pieces of content versus those that may not be successful.

Bob Lempke
So we have all sorts of value that we deliver kind of across the board in that multichannel outreach process. So I hope that was a pretty quick scenario.

Eric Gubera
So if I’m hearing you’re right, Bob, it’s there’s basically two core clients that that mobile Locher can support its customer facing field representatives. And it sounds like perhaps brand teams and operations might be getting some some insight as well. Is that are those the two entities that you feel the platform is offering value to one hundred percent so that the value that we deliver on a day to day level in the field is the wrap interaction. Right. And then the aside from that, we provide all sorts of insights so we can provide insight around how many times things are shared.

Eric Gubera
So the managers, the field managers, that there’s is tremendous access to knowledge, not what I think is happening, but what is actually happening. So there’s this huge kind of analytics component that comes with mobile locher that can help the field field management field leadership. But then the secondary piece is kind of on the macro level. We do, to your point, help HQ. The content creators write the the pads that managers get really good visibility into how things are being shared, where, when, what happens to it after it’s shared.

Eric Gubera
Do do KPIs spend no time on page four of a four page PDF, but only page three. So it gives them tons of of data and insight around always being able to optimize the content that they’re creating and providing the field. Oftentimes we uncover training issues. Right. So we see a way that the field is only sharing this brand new piece of content a fraction of the time or a percentage of the time. Then we kind of feel they should be.

Eric Gubera
And so. As we dig into that through the insights the mobile lacher can provide. We’ve actually had clients uncover training issues that we need to get back in front of the rest to help them understand a little bit more about this piece of part of this asset, whatever it might be. And sometimes it’s a little tweak. It’s just a little thing that might happen where then that content becomes much more consumable and much more usable. So it’s just the value prop is kind of across the board, but really field sales, field leadership and then HQ, the content marketing creators.

Eric Gubera
And then we also have clients that use this in the medical side, mouthless use mobile lacher a ton to interact with the GPS in a more Dialogo type fashion. And they they find great value in using mobile in that capacity as well.

Eric Gubera
So let me just ask a quick question just for points of clarification. So it sounds like this is an application that is coordinating and able to. Communicate with various platforms within this sort of hybrid. Selling environment that we’re in these days, is that correct? Can you tell us more about what the application itself like, how how it functions?

Bob Lempke
Yeah, so actually it’s a great point. So sometimes we get confused, for example, with CRM, right. So they say, wait a minute, is mobile going CRM? I don’t quite exactly get it. So the answer is no, we are not necessarily a CRM, but we do buy directionally integrate with most CRM is out there via Salesforce. Most of our clients have some flavor of Vrba, for example, in the pharma space, some flavor of Salesforce.

Bob Lempke
Right. So that interaction is prebuilt and the way that works out, say, on a functional level, is when the rep is working inside Mobile Locher. They typically what we hear is and this is an offense and this comes out there, but restante love working in CRM, they don’t love doing their day to day interactions and all that type of stuff inside CRM. They want to work in the platforms that they’re most comfortable. So platforms are virtual Zoom’s of the world or teams or whatever it might be, or email or whatever it might be, or just working off the iPad in person.

Bob Lempke
They want to use the systems, the devices that are most comfortable to that. So mobile Lacher allows that we allow them to work in any kind of environment that they’re comfortable working in. But through the CRM bidirectional integration, anything they do, meetings, things that they share, sharing with a specific ACP, all of that stuff is by directionally logged back to CRM. So there’s no double logging. There’s no there’s no I have to do this in mobile locker and then go back to CRM and log my activity.

Bob Lempke
All of that activity is logged through the bidirectional integration to CRM and other applications, whether it be marketing applications, whatever it might be. So we help with that. From an efficiency perspective, the reps love it because they get to work in the platforms that they’re comfortable working in. Right. Whether it be email, whatever it might be, and then their homework kind of back to HQ is complete through the integration. HQ loves it because they actually see increases in the insights that CRM provides, for example, because what’s happening is the reps are more comfortable working in the mobile locker, in the email environment, all the other areas that they’re used to working in.

Bob Lempke
But that data is just naturally fed back to CRM. So there’s no I forgot to log it CRM. I only write once a week. All of that’s happening kind of in real time. So the data and the value that they’re getting out of, for example, ACARS system is always there, is always being fed and it’s always updated. So the HQ loves it because that that box is checked. They’re still getting all of the data and the insight that they need from CRM, but the rest are working in in the platforms that they’re most comfortable working well.

Eric Gubera
So that makes total sense. But it also kind of calls it really heightens the challenge. This digital transformation that our industry is going through is there’s so many platforms, there’s so much data. And it’s really an enormous challenge to simplify things. With all of these platforms. You have to know all the secret handshakes and everything like that. And sometimes the right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing. And what I’m hearing is that this platform is almost, you know, integrates those efforts and simplifies things for the representatives.

Eric Gubera
Is that a fair take?

Bob Lempke
Yeah, I mean, that’s a great summary. And so I’ll give a great story, kind of an example. So over the last week or so, a week and a half, I had the opportunity to attend the Reuters Pharma Conference that the Big Pretty and it was pretty well attended. I think there are a thousand a couple of thousand people there. And the thing that struck me throughout the entire process, in the entire conference session to session to session, there was this constant theme around personalized content delivery to there was a theme around integration of all of these different platforms to get a common view.

Bob Lempke
There was themes around speed, finding platforms that you can deploy quickly that will allow you to pivot, because who knows where this is going to go? Who knows where the market’s going to go. It might be face to face one day, back to virtual, another day, that email, another day. And so there’s a ton of focus around having platforms and systems in place that allow seamless, frictionless pivot. Right. And I don’t want to have to retrain a whole organization if something happens, I want them in the same platform.

Bob Lempke
I want them to pivot as a natural move as opposed to something unnatural that requires a whole change in model and to turn everything upside down. Right. Literally in these in these sessions. And it’s kind of like I wanted to I found myself wanting to jump up and down to being like, hey, this is what we do every day. This is a level where there’s there’s no need to jump up and down. Now you’ve got it on. What a great leader in Bob.

Bob Lempke
Because what we’re going to do now is show Arsenal Nation to common use scenarios that I think you’ve set the stage beautifully for this. And I think that the brand leaders out there and ops are going to be interested in this because, quite frankly, they’re based on my experience even recently in the field. So we’re going to look at common use scenario number one, and this is a sales call with priority customer that suddenly changes from a live lunch appointment to virtual.

Bob Lempke
So we’re going to share with with our viewership what sometimes happens without mobile locher. So Susan gets a call at 11 p.m. at 11 a.m.. I’m sorry. Right from the office that Dr. Schmidt can no longer meet Llyod for their appointment and would prefer to jump on a virtual presentation, Susan responds, That is fine, that she can send the invite for a company’s Platform X to do a virtual call. The SEPI responds that he only uses telematic for virtual platforms.

Bob Lempke
Susan assures the HTP that her platform is easy, but he politely declines, saying it would be best to reschedule. Well, what is the outcome? I can tell you personally from from firsthand experience, it is a lost HCB customer engagement and Susan is not able to get back on Dr. Schmidly schedule, unfortunately, until the following quarter. And with the challenge and the elusive customer that our industry is, is is chasing diligently and with great effort, that hurts.

Bob Lempke
So that’s kind of a very realistic scenario. So, Bob, walk us through the with mobile locher scenario.

Bob Lempke
Yes, so, again, this scenario gets back to this whole idea of capacity to pivot, right, capacity to seamlessly and frictionless pivot. So your your your example, although it’s kind of a tongue in cheek nuance to it where you said gets the call at 11:00 p.m. and you kind of said, oh, it’s actually 11 a.m., which is obviously more likely. But interestingly enough, one of the things that we’re seeing in this new world order is the these are engaging in off hours right there, engaging more and more with content.

Bob Lempke
And we have the data and insights to prove that in the off hours. And that’s super helpful for the rest. Right. To do for them, for the rep to know when. And a kind of macro level, these these are engaging because they are engaging more on their time versus our time. Right. And that’s a really compelling point to this scenario in that they want it to be about them. So if I am the wrap and I said, well, you have to use Platform X, we have to use this, that can just kind of be perceptive.

Bob Lempke
Wise can kind of be uncomfortable for the HTP. They want to use the platform they want to use. Right. In this scenario, it’s Telemann. Right. So whatever it is, what you want to be in a position to do is say, of course, absolutely. Whenever whenever you’re comfortable, whatever platform you’re comfortable. And so in this scenario, mobile locher the mobile app be whoever is using Will Blacher would be fine platform independent. We simply would be giving the virtual presentation as you would pull up Mobile Locher inside your your presenting branded content inside that platform.

Bob Lempke
If the HDP were to say Hey can you send me that, it literally is a button. We could even go as far as to jump into CRM, pull down the email right there, send it whatever, whatever format the company allows. Right. Some companies don’t allow kind of free form emails, some do. But whatever that format that they’re allowed to do, that interaction is super, super simple. The content is always accessible and available. So in this scenario, this is a nothing, nothing deal.

Bob Lempke
This is absolutely no problem. Let’s jump on your Telemann right now. And they’re acting just as if they would be had they been personal, virtual, whatever, whatever the other whatever what they shifted from what and whether they saw. So and again, that whole idea gets back to this idea of just being always audible. Ready. Right. There’s this idea of being audible, ready things, which things are super fluid. And that’s the great part of our clients will tell us about our platform, is it allows the rap to always be audible.

Eric Gubera
So let me humor me, Bob. I’m going to read the same scenario. But how the rep performs with mobile locher. So with Mobile Locher, Susan gets a call at 11:00 a.m. from the office that Dr. Schmidly can no longer meet live for their appointment and would prefer to jump on a virtual presentation. Susan asked which platform he prefers for virtual engagement. He responds that he uses Telamon. Susan replies, That will work fine. She goes on to have a productive sales call, with Dr.

Eric Gubera
Schmidly agreeing that he had a few patients on his schedule that week, he thought Susan’s product could really help. And their battle with diabetes. And what is the outcome? Strong in our prospects for Susan and patients getting the help their HTP feels they need. The office calls Susan for a follow up appointment just two weeks later and requested that she bring more samples and that the HTP some questions about Part D coverage. So that’s. I think from a best use scenario kind of provides some clarity to our audience on what is possible with that.

Bob Lempke
And so it’s really important to Eric to kind of a couple of things about this scenario. Very, very, very real world. Right. Obviously, anyone out there who does this for a living knows this is a very real world scenario. Right. And the second part is this wasn’t me giving feeding you a scenario. Right. I want to make sure everyone knows that. You kind of said, I want I’m going to give you a scenario back from my days in the field.

Bob Lempke
That was something that was very real world.

Eric Gubera
So we could tell you how many times like these things would happen, especially as we returned. I was fortunate to work with an organization that really prepared us for the pivot to digital peace. And while were we nailing that when we when that was the only thing that we had to to use when everything was pretty much shut down and it was virtual only. But when we return back, Lucena, the field like lemmings on the tundra. I can tell you that scenario played out and and it was frustrating at times because the providers would say, hey, we want you to come in.

Eric Gubera
And then they’re like, oh, not so fast. I mean, it was like Lucy with Charlie Brown kicking the football sometimes and it was frustrating. And sometimes we would lose appointments as well.

Bob Lempke
Yeah. And this hybrid concept. Right. Of our will we ever go back to one hundred percent face to face? Probably not. Right. Well, it’s always going to be some mixture, some combination. Some people will allow it some some will be slower. So you can’t sit around and wait for the model to change. Right. You have to drive your behavior around what is delivering outcomes and results. Right. So you kind of have to you kind of have to poke at it until you find what works with each individual.

Bob Lempke
UQP. Right. And that’s that’s another thing that that is hugely compelling about what we deliver every day is this idea that whatever that you’re just kind of poking it until you figure out what is it with this individual. EKPE What type of personalized content works, what access, what medium? Those are the types of things that we help with. And again, it’s it’s it’s fantastic to hear from our clients then the things that that they see pre and post mobile.

Bob Lempke
It’s it’s really exciting.

Eric Gubera
Oh, no question about it. Well, let’s move on to the next customer that our client, I should say that the mobile locher value proposition can can potentially really make a difference. And now we’re going to look at marketing and oscillators, sales ops leaders at organizations. And these are folks that are really dealing with some insight challenges. Again, as we mentioned before, we’ve got all this data, but sort of getting the insight you need in real time could be a challenge.

Eric Gubera
So I’m going to run through the without mobile locher scenario here. And if this is on the slide that we have pulled up. So without mobile Locher Laura marketing brand later for Company X wants to see what impact her new campaign is having in the field. The rollout started six weeks ago and our team is having to collect data from different sources and put together for review. The problem is that by the time she realized what brand resources were having the most or least impact, the quarter was almost over and they missed the mark for the second quarter in a row.

Eric Gubera
What was the outcome? Missed opportunities and disappointing brand performance and emerging morale challenges with their brand’s customer facing field team. Yeah, so, I mean, for those of us that I was on several Q1 earnings calls and you could just really see and feel that miss in terms of what was projected versus what was actually happening. So I know that’s something that’s it’s still raw and in many cases. So alternatively. Here’s the possibility with the mobile Locher platform.

Eric Gubera
So in that situation, Laura, marketing brand leader for Company X, wants to see what impact her new campaign is having in the field. The rollout started six weeks ago and her team is having to collect data from different sources and put together for review. The good news is that her team’s mobile Locher platform delivered real time feedback that allowed her to make adjustments early and mid-quarter. The sales team enthusiastically reported that they were having success and that they would need more samples to accommodate rising demand from new patient starts the outcome?

Eric Gubera
Well, new patient start momentum generated and company X’s brand brand X bounces back from a slow Q1 and blows out due to go. Colleagues from other brands within Company X are seeking more as help. Morale is the highest it’s been for a customer facing field team since before the pandemic. Now, granted, that’s a little bit idealize, but again, that kind of goes to show you what some of the possibilities are. Bob, do you have any insight into that?

Bob Lempke
Yeah. So, I mean, this is, again, a very real world scenario. I’ll give you I’ll give you a story. I’ll give you an actual customer story. One of our bigger customers that that uses mobile Locher in the marketing kind of the marketing side. So many of our customers that are even some of our more sophisticated customers start using mobile locaters early on in the processes with the content creators, the agencies. Right. So the agencies using mobile lacher to share the content back to the to the customer, ultimately to the field field, back to the marketing organization, back to the content creator.

Bob Lempke
So we talk about this constant and constantly and feedback loop. Right. So what’s happening in the field in real time can can in real time get all the way back to the content creators at the agency. So a real world story is that we had a client that had, I think was like a four page PDF and they spent a bunch of money and time and energy on the creation, got all the way through MLR and all that and put it out into the field.

Bob Lempke
And they just weren’t getting the attribution that they thought they would get. And all of this feedback back from mobile blocker gave them insight to say to show them that. I think like I said, I think it was like a four page PDF and and nobody was getting to page four and the PDF, like all of the insight and the data that we were showing them so that everyone is abandoned in the same somewhere in page three. So what that allowed them to do was take whatever content they thought was highly relevant.

Bob Lempke
That was on page four, move it into the front side of that piece of content, eliminate an entire page of a four page document that allowed it to become more much more consumable by the reps, much more consumable in a in a in a scenario where they’re presenting it shorter, sweeter, more to the point. And the the results and the attribution of that piece of content went through the roof because of what they were able to see in real time.

Bob Lempke
They were able to pivot quickly, demonstrate agility around the ability to change it. And again, with a little tweak, that piece of content became significantly more successful for this client. And these are things that we see a lot. So we love we love that we kind of are helpful with our clients in building that ongoing feedback loop between the field marketing content creators. And we’re giving them that visibility across those functions, the data, the insights that they need to make better decisions going forward.

Eric Gubera
Well, I’ll say one thing. I’m glad my phone is on mute because it is blowing up with some some folks they should know. I present it right now, but they’re texting me anyway. So, Frank, I need your help. Like, what questions are coming in on either of the live streams or anything else? There sprang up your muted Frank.

Frank F. Dolan
How could I possibly be muted? Well, the Wizard of Oz is back and we’re grateful.

Frank F. Dolan
I went from zero zero voice to hundred percent sure voice. Here we go. All right. So we’ve got a lot of questions that have come in and I’ve been trying to do here for the last few minutes while you gentlemen have been going through these use cases, which, by the way, I think is is very, very helpful. Eric, I’m glad you took your field perspective and created those and had Bob and his team you’ll react to to them since you’re being the proxy for our field folks here.

Frank F. Dolan

So, Bob, a couple of these are a little wordy and complex. I’m going to do my best to represent these folks and their questions. So here’s one of the bigger ones in length. And the question is, I have a custom managed care status tool. Frankly, I remember those ads at Somerby Pharma companies that I worked at. You go into an office in Dallas, Texas, and that provider predominantly works with patients on certain managed care plans.

Frank F. Dolan

And you could create like a custom formulary tool just for that doctor. I think that’s where this is going. So the cost of managed care status tool that I create and give to customers. Can mobile Locher send these or do all of the assets need to be pre made and loaded into the tool?

Bob Lempke
How so? It and hesitated only because contextually, it feels like we would probably need more information. Yeah, but. But in order for mobile Lacher to send something, it has to be in mobile locker, so we send it from Mobile Locker in again, we send it via email and share it via a virtual platform, whatever it is. But it but but we go get it in mobile locker to send it. So it exists inside Mobile Locker and then we send it.

Bob Lempke
So that would be kind of a short answer is that it would ultimately need to be a mobile locker. However, here’s the kind of acrux to that. Getting things into Mobile Locker is super easy. It’s a couple clicks. So a good way to think about it is like, for example, a lot of our clients have like the vault, right? The vault is this giant place where all of the content resides. Right. So some of our clients might have thousands upon thousands upon thousands of pieces of content inside the vault.

Bob Lempke
So I think of mobile lacquers this little some place outside the vault where only what I need resides. So, Bob, stuff that that was initially in the vault is right over here in this little bobolinks mobile lacquer screen. Right. So getting things from the vault into bobolinks little mobile lock screen is super, super easy. So once it’s in there, all I need to do is put it in a mobile locker. And that literally is a couple clicks.

Bob Lempke
I mean, I go get it, I find it. Make sure I’ve got the right version and down and bang, I hit, I hit put in mobile and there it is. And that content can be any format, it can be PowerPoint, video, pdf, html, interactive visual aids, whatever it is. That stuff is very, very simply dropped into mobile. So the the answer is yes, it needs to be in mobile locker, but a little more complexity around how we would get it in a mobile locker and all that would probably warrant a conversation.

Frank F. Dolan

OK, cool. I’m going to build on that one with another question theme we have, which is around these shareable assets. And in that question is, can these assets be customized? So only certain ones are available by roll, by division and geography.

Bob Lempke
Absolutely. So upon deployment, we build groups, we build whatever whatever kind of the the segmentation you’re looking to build is all built upon deployment. And by the way, administrative deployment of mobile locher is super fast. We focus on velocity and everything we do. But when you do go go to deploy, there is security in the admin around these. Only these certain people see this, only these certain people see that. And by the way, you can expand that.

Bob Lempke
So only these these people can see this, but it’s also includes a bigger group or whatever it might be. So all sorts of security protocol can be built around who sees and has access to individual pieces of it. Very simply, Don.

Frank F. Dolan
Cool. So the next question is, if I send an email to a health care provider, I think where this is going, it’s like, what email address does it come from?

Bob Lempke
It both comes from well, that’s an interesting question, too, so it kind of depends on what the company wants to do, right. So you can set it up through some some magic in the I.T. domains to come from my individual, your individual box. There are ways to to kind of set up the email out outreach portion in certain ways to get through filters and spam filters and things like that. So we we have all sorts of things that we do again and deployment where we can talk about that.

Bob Lempke
But it can come from yours. It can come from the company’s domain, depending on what you’re trying to do. Is it a one to one personal outreach? It kind of depends on what specifically the business objective is. But when but but here’s the key is when that when it’s responded to. If, for example, somebody says, hey, I want more information, I want to set a meeting, that email would go back into my email box that so I would get the visibility into that.

Bob Lempke
So outbound is kind of it depends. But but we can set it up to come from an individual box or company domain first or whatever it might be. So it just kind of depends on how they want to set up. Sometimes it’s it’s policy wise, there’s certain things, particularly within pharma with are certain things that they will allow people to do and not allow people to do. The other thing I want to mention while we’re on this topic is templates.

Bob Lempke
Right? So we work very, very simply with templates because a lot of the pharma companies require any email to to be built in a template. Right. The template has to be approved. All of the language has to be approved. So that templates would just be loaded in a mobile locker and then we would just use access to the templates that are already pre pre-approved through MLR.

Frank F. Dolan
Excellent. Next question. You mentioned Veeva, but we have a custom CRM system. Do you only work with Veeva or can you work with other CRM?

Bob Lempke
Yeah. So I mentioned Veeva only because of Veeva’s kind of prevalence in pharma. But the answer is absolutely. We work, we add it, we have some form of out of the box integration with 13 or I can’t hardly keep count, but it’s like 13 or 14 CRM via Salesforce, Microsoft, Synergistics thinking the ones I see largely in health care. But there are some that many of people out there probably have never heard of. And even if you have a CRM that we don’t currently integrate with, the reason we have 15 is because we went out, saw 15.

Bob Lempke
It was because a customer came to us and said, hey, we have this CRM, we want to build this integration. Can you help us? And so typically the answer will be yes. And it’s just a function of how that CRM allows integration. Right. So it’s really more about that piece of software than it is about ours and what and how open it’s written and how open and accessible the objects are within that CRM that they want us to connect to.

Bob Lempke
So the answer is yes.

Eric Gubera
Sorry, can I pop in question? Because I think it’s it’s it’s probably a follow up to some of this scalability. How long does it typically take for Mobile Locker to be put in effect in a field environment?

Bob Lempke
That is a great question and thank you for asking it because it hits on one of our huge value propositions. Right. One of the things that we’re seeing in the marketplace right now is what can I do right now to help my field? What can I do right now to give the reps, tools and Aamna? So what you can do right now, we are we can deploy literally in days. So the way we deploy Eric is very simply, we typically will do an hour.

Bob Lempke
Depends on the size, obviously, and how much content and all that. But we have deployed hundreds of sales reps, three or four hundred sales reps. We signed a deal on Friday. We did an admin training on Monday and had the field using our stuff on Tuesday, Wednesday. And that’s that’s how fast I mean, they literates days. It will typically take us longer to get the deal done than it will to deploy. And we’re literally so we want to know where’s the content, what content do you want to use?

Bob Lempke
What kind did you want to give to whom? Simple questions. There tends to be some people want to talk about security and those types of things, which we can do. We’ve got huge customers where we’ve gone through security audits and all that kind of stuff. So those typically are hurdles. There’s nothing that we can’t get over but one. We get to all that, actually getting MobileLocker into the hands of the field is no time flat. It’s days like we’ve had training in the morning and value being delivered in the afternoon.

Eric Gubera
Outstanding. Well, what a perfect time to to draw this exciting session to a conclusion. Bob, thank you. You’ve been very gracious answering questions and and joining us today, just on behalf of ARSENAL ADVISORS, I encourage you to if you haven’t jumped in on the Hopin platform and I encourage you to visit MobileLocker’s Booth in there in terms of contacting them and learning a little bit more, visiting their website, et cetera, if you’re interested. So, again, this concludes our session on transforming customer engagement.

Eric Gubera
Thank you, Bob, and I appreciate you joining us.

About Eric Gubera

Eric Gubera is the EVP of Life Sciences at ARSENAL ADVISORS.  Eric served in the 82nd Airborne Division of the United States Army as a Military Intelligence Officer followed by a decorated twenty-year career as a biopharma executive at Pfizer, Amylin, and, most recently, AstraZeneca.

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The Life Sciences practice at ARSENAL ADVISORS is focused on assessing the internal capabilities of Life Science Organizations and connecting them to the people and ideas transforming healthcare in real-time. Learn more at

About Bob Lempke

Bob is an Equity Partner and Chief Revenue Officer at MobileLocker.  Having over twenty years of experience in sales and sales leadership, primarily with exciting SaaS   and digital technologies, he is passionate about enabling companies to leverage digital platforms to effectively communicate their value proposition.

Connect with Bob on LinkedIn:

About MobileLocker

At MobileLocker, we’re passionate about implementing field sales and marketing solutions that are intuitive and painless so we can all focus more on selling and less on setup.

Our platform allows seamless HCP engagement via any communication channel resulting in unmatched agility and capacity to immediately pivot.

Access, share and track any content in any form on any device or communication format for unprecedented follow-up and value creation.  

MobileLocker clients gain more time with HCP’s and drive greater rep, medical and brand intimacy.

Learn more at: