Leveraging Technology to Make Sales

In the past, sales was simple and personal. You spoke to someone face-to-face, trying to convince them that your product or service could help solve their problems. Over the years, sales tactics have evolved exponentially, with phone and digital sales both taking more and more prominence.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in yet another evolution, because people don’t feel as comfortable meeting in-person. That’s why, as part of the ARSENAL Leader Lab web series, Frank Dolan sat down with Hans Kaspersetz, the President and Chief Strategist of Arteric.

During their talk, they discussed the opportunity that software offers to salespeople, as well as some of the tools you can use during these virtual sales. We hope you find the summary below informative.

The Potential of Virtual Meetings
“85% of physicians preferred a virtual meeting to an in person meeting,” Hans Kaspersetz says. Whenever you’re trying to sell someone something, it’s always important to meet them where they’re most comfortable. This is a sign of respect, but it also shows that you understand their problems and are willing to solve them.

Along with increasing the quality of your calls, it can also increase their efficiency. Kaspersetz explains, “The data that Veeva has collected and made available indicates that sales calls are lasting approximately 14 minutes. You and I both know that a 14 minute sales call is often unheard of.”

Given the efficiency of virtual meetings, as well as physicians’ preference for them, it’s clear that you want to use software to your advantage when making a sale. At the same time, Kaspersetz explains that “selling still requires one on one interaction. We still have to build trust, we still have to be able to answer questions. We need to be able to demonstrate value and expertise in our area.”

Essentially, “I don’t think that the sales force is gone, I just think we have to be smarter about how we use it.”

Virtual meetings are one of many tools in your sales arsenal, but as COVID-19 has shown us, it pays to understand all of the tools you can use. You never know when that flexibility is going to pay dividends.

What Platforms Can You Use to Make Sales?
There are a few different platforms that Kaspersetz recommends for virtual sales calls. The first is Veeva, which his company has partnered with. Its core product is a “core visual aid” which allows your sales force to use approved materials to close a deal.

It also offers a platform called Engage Meeting, which allows you to meet with clients via teleconferencing. “It’s a modest investment compared to running what you would do at a big conference,” Kaspersetz says, and it empowers your reps to get back in front of all of the targets really rapidly.”

If you’re a smaller company that doesn’t yet require the scale that a Veeva call provides, it’s also important to note that Zoom can be HIPAA compliant, if you get the proper tier of service.

Need to Adjust Your Sales Strategy During Quarantine?

If so, Hans Kaspersetz is here to help. For years, he’s been helping healthcare companies market their life-changing products and therapies. He understands that this is a period of massive change for people everywhere, and he’s available to speak with you.

If you have any questions about how to adjust to these changing times, please don’t hesitate to visit Arteric’s website. From there you can contact him and his team to determine the exact strategies you can use to make your marketing efforts successful.